Monday, February 20, 2023


 Research takes time, but no research wastes time. Most often, an idea will pop up in your mind, and you will go with the flow. Most of the time, you have to spend some extra time searching for what people are looking for and even spying on competitions.

Keyword research, topic clustering, designing an outline, and writing content are a lot of work. However, they’re worth the hustle. Even if an article idea occurs to you and you go with the flow, you still need to proofread and edit. It is through this process that you have to fix the necessary keywords.

Moreover, in the process of doing all these things, don’t write for search engines but for search purposes. It is the intent that will drive a user’s search. Writing organically makes it easier to index, rank, and drive traffic to your website.

The write-up on how overthinking leads to idea paralysis; guides you on how to go with the flow. 

There are a lot of ways and tools to generate content ideas. However, this article focuses on some often forgotten and simple methods of generating content ideas. This is a step-by-step approach to developing ideas, writing a quality article, and optimizing it.

1. Search for Unique Ideas

Assume you’re going to compose a prospective SEO-boosting piece and you’re stuck on a topic. To begin, develop a list of all conceivable blog subjects that you are capable of covering. You may get ideas for new entries from a variety of sources, including:

Look for themes on prominent Q&A sites (such as Yahoo! Answers, Quora, and Mahalo). Examine all of the questions in your categories. Look at what your friends and followers are posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Some of their suggestions may be worth considering.

Because your readers’ attention is drawn to current happenings around the globe and in your specialty, why not capitalize on forthcoming releases, holidays, and rumors?

Examine popular content on competitor blogs. If they don’t have such a section, you may look at Alexa’s top search queries for that site.

Make a list of all the fascinating ideas. Then go over the list and cross off the items for which you lack sufficient knowledge.

2. Organic Traffic Projection

You proposed some topics for a new post. Let us now examine their prospective popularity in search engines. Write three or four possible keywords for each concept and compare them using the Google Keyword Tool.

This allows you to calculate the amount of traffic the keywords would bring to your site if a new post was optimized for them. Calculate the monthly global and local searches for each term.

The Keyword Tool will also assist you in identifying more relevant keywords to focus on. You may also use:

Google Trends may be used to compare the number of searches for two or more keywords.

To gain more keyword ideas, use Google search recommendations and related searches. Simply begin entering a question and examine the Google auto-suggestions. Then, near the bottom of the results, seek similar queries.

At the end of this process, you should only have ideas with high keyword traffic potential on your list.

3. Discover Free SEO Niches

After you’ve settled on your keywords, research your potential competition to identify a free niche. This strategy is best for small and medium-sized blogs that lack what it takes to compete with larger ones for high search engine results.

It’s worth attempting to compete if you notice user-generated material (e.g., forum discussions, self-created tutorials, YouTube videos, and so on) or postings from blogs with lower PageRank and Alexa Rank than yours.

If large, authoritative blogs have already written on the topic you’ve chosen, you should consider a different approach, look for another vacant query, or abandon this idea.

4. Identify the Leaders

So you sorted your suggestions based on the keywords "rage" and "competitiveness." It is now time to choose the leaders. You shouldn’t always choose just one topic; perhaps many of them deserve to be new posts, or one concept may lead to multiple articles with various keywords.

First, select themes related to impending events or emerging trends and publish the article at least two weeks before the event. Then, prioritize themes that are evergreen and can be updated with fresh information.

Finally, choose those that appear to be most suited to your blog material.

5. Create a high-quality article

When creating a post on the topic you’ve chosen, keep in mind that SEO goals should not have an impact on the post’s quality. Don’t stuff the post with keywords. Keep in mind that people who view your article but do not discover any worthwhile information will not return to your blog.

Analyze your prior posts that received a lot of social engagement to determine which format is best for your current post (tweets, likes, comments). What are their format, length, and heading peculiarities? Repeat your successful experiments without fear.

Don’t be overly flowery. Your readers are everyday internet users like you and me. So make every attempt to write an intriguing essay.


When you follow this approach step by step, your article has the chance to become a search engine optimization goldmine. Make sure you have your own website first because it is easy now than ever. So create your WordPress website here. Effective keyword research is a sure way of making and maintaining relationships with customers.

The algorithm keeps changing now and then. So it is essential to reanimate SEO-unfriendly posts. 

What is your approach to writing an SEO-friendly article? Leave your comment. 

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